發 言 人 : Calvin 發 言 時 間 : 2002 年 6 月 12 日 (星 期 三) 9:32:20 PM:
回 應 : Re: Miss Lau Mei Ying 發 言 人 : Amy Chan 發 言 時 間 : 2002 年 6 月 12 日 (星 期 三) 11:33:16 AM:
How can you know ......??????
> > What are you talking for..?? Who are you?
> > > It's a shame for all Mong kee's students that one of our teachers brought a man back to school during school holidays last year and did dirty things inside the room. She could do that because she kept the keys and that man is a married man with children!
> Go ahead and ask your teacher! That's all I can say.